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Professional Development Series

Skill development requires time for staff to understand, practice and constantly evaluate themselves to achieve further improvement. Therefore, systematic human resources development takes time to increase the knowledge and skills of staff according to their abilities, levels of difficulty of the content and the application of the content in different contexts.

Our training programs are designed as series for continuous learning of each particular subject to create a systematic learning environment in your organization. This will enable your staff to understand the basics, principles and theories, and then actually put them into practice before using them at work efficiently.

Our training program series include:

Microsoft Office Series

With our expertise developed over 20 years of providing more than 100 Microsoft Office training programs per year to 2,000 participants from leading organizations, we are confident in delivering high quality and practical learning experiences which will result in a difference at work.

Another important factor is our facilitators who transfer their knowledge and experience through our various training programs. We have cooperated with experienced service delivery partners and facilitators, professional executives and experts in many fields to offer training services that focus on results and the effective transfer of knowledge and skills from the trainers to the participants.

In addition to our standard programs, we can customize courses to meet the needs of an entire organization. Our work processes include analyzing needs with executives, designing training programs, creating a training plan, implementing the program, evaluating and following up on results. We can do this through our experienced training teams and facilitators who are experts in designing programs and implementing them.